Work and Travel skúsenosti

Prečítaj si, čo o našom programe povedali iní.
Inga K.
Mar 2024
Leto 2023 v USA bolo vyslovene highlightom môjho života.

Žila som pravý "Americký sen"

Ondrej G.
Sep 2023
Resort Leaders nám zabezpečili najlepšie leto v našich životoch.
Daniel P
Sept 2023
It's an amazing opportunity, if someone has the chance to take part in the program, they definitely should.
Erika S
Oct 2023
It was an amazing experience all my needs were met!!
Veronika F.
Mar 2024
Odporúčam všetkými 10. Zdokonalila som si svoju angličtinu, videla som krásne a zaujímavé miesta.
Adrian V.
Oct 2022
Skvelá agentúra poskytuje skvelé služby. Toto bolo moje tretie leto a určite chcem cestovať aj budúce leto znova.
Bence T
Oct 2023
The perfect summer experience in the USA.
Tanja C
Sept 2023
It was the best decision ever. All was so easy and the experience was incredible. You learn a lot, you know new people and you leave your comfort zone. Resort leaders are so helpful that I will always recommend.

"Najlepšie leto môjho života"

Bence H
Oct 2023
The Resort Leaders program gave me the opportunity to see a lot of things that I couldn't imagine before.
Júlia B.
Nov 2022
Vďaka SmallerEarth zažijem nezabudnuteľné leto v USA už po tretíkrát a už si ani neviem predstaviť, že by som vycestovala cez inú agentúru.
Gabriel N.
Sept 2023
Bolo to fenomenálne. Jedna z najlepších skúseností v mojom živote.
Ivana H.
Mar 2024
Leto 2023 je doposiaľ najlepším letom v mojom živote vďaka Resort Leaders!

"Neuveriteľná skúsenosť"

Karla V
Sept 2023
They’re very patient and are always helping you throughout all the process.
Kitti K
Oct 2023
Summer in Arizona was an amazing experience. I am super grateful for all of you who helped me. I highly recommend your program for everyone who wants to visit the USA.
Viliam G.
Apr 2024
Skúsenosť so Smaller Earth bola skvelá, prežil som v USA 2 krásne letá s nezabudnuteľnými zážitkami, možnosťami vycestovať na miesta, o akých sa mi ani nesnívalo.

"Individuálny a profesionálny prístup"

David B
Sept 2023
A whole new experience. I would do it again and i recommend it.
Karen F
Oct 2023
Resort Leaders is an excellent cultural program in which you improve your English, get to know another culture and in which you make friends from other places.
Dominika C
Oct 2023
I'm glad that I had a chance to work with Resort Leaders. I think this program is well prepared and everyone is helpful.
Alfredo G
Sept 2023
I really loved being part of this program. I've learned a lot and I'd like to be back next year.